Harris County Commissioners Harris County Precinct 4 Commissioner Jack Cagle was re-elected in 2012.[/caption]


Commissioners Court meetings are held twice monthly except in May and November. Meetings are at 10 a.m. in the courtroom at 1001 Preston Ave., Houston.

Terms and compensation

Commissioners and the county judge serve rotating four-year terms. The county judge receives $173,800 per year, and commissioners earn $165,900 per year.

Big decisions made in 2015

Bond package approval

Voters approved four separate bond proposals totaling $800 million, including $700 million for mobility projects, $60 million for parks, $24 million for a new animal shelter and $64 million for Flood Control District projects.

Jail Management

In May the county appointed a new sheriff, Ron Hickman, who has agreed to allow the county jail to be managed by a jail administrator—a policy shift commissioners have wanted for years.

Harris County Commissioners Harris County Precinct 3 Commissioner Steve Radack has served since 1988.[/caption]

Top issues for 2016

System demand

Demand on countywide systems will continue to grow as Harris County is expected to keep growing by 80,000 residents per year. The growth places strain on roads, parks, law enforcement, health care and other services.

Changing economy

As oil and gas prices continue to decline, the local economy continues to feel the effects. County general fund revenue has increased for several years, but the economy could affect that funding.