Updated 10 p.m. With 48 of 49 precincts reporting, the Conroe ISD bond referendum has passed with 17,515 of the votes, or 68.64 percent, to 8,003 votes in favor of rejecting the bond, or 31.36 percent of voters. The district has a solid plan going into the future with the passage of the bond, CISD Superintendent Don Stockton said.

"I very much appreciate the support of the community, and I look forward to having great schools in the future," he said.

The $487 million bond referendum will grant funds for the district to build one high school, one intermediate school and two elementary schools in the Oak Ridge High School feeder zone. A junior high school in the Conroe High School feeder zone was also included in the bond proposal. According to a district demographic study released in January, CISD is ranked as the sixth-fastest-growing school district in Texas among large school districts—those with 20,000 or more students. In the past 10 years, the district has seen a 40 percent increase in student enrollment. There is a projected 30 percent increase in student enrollment at CISD within the next 10 years. In addition to the five new schools, other projects on the bond proposal list include a robotics lab at Caney Creek High School and The Woodlands College Park High School, build-out of Stewart Elementary School and 10 new science classrooms at Knox Junior High School. Stockton said he is looking forward to getting the process underway of constructing the schools needed in the highly populated areas.

“It’s very evident those schools are needed in those high growth areas," he said.

All election results are unofficial until canvassed.