After deciding to close the storefront location in August, the owner of Mar-Mar’s Candy Jar is now selling her products inside Junk Mar-Mar’s Candy Jar Marcie Payne, owner of Mar-Mar’s Candy Jar, moved into Junk Street Market in Katy.[/caption] Street Market in Old Town Katy. Marcie Payne opened Mar-Mar’s three years ago and sells organic candies, cotton candy and chocolate that she obtains from vendors, some from Europe. Payne said moving into Junk Street Market offers her more flexibility. The candy products are housed in a display within Junk Street and sold by the store’s staff. Payne originally opened Mar-Mar’s Candy Jar to provide a variety of sweets that come in vegan and organic options. “My son can’t have red dye 40,” Payne said. “So I started my own research and found out there were a lot of things offered but nowhere to get them locally.” She said gluten, dairy ingredients and food coloring dyes are the main problem areas in candy for some children. “Kids [who] can’t have dairy, you can imagine how much candy they cannot have,” Payne said. Payne used to make marshmallows at her old store, but with no kitchen in the new location, she’s been forced to stop making the treats. 5625 Second St. Katy • 281-391-5865 Hours: Mon.-Sat. 10:30 a.m.-8 p.m., Sat. noon-4 p.m.