West University Place residents and visitors will see landscaping improvements by the fall at both entrances to the city along Buffalo Speedway after West U City Council members approved the contract at a May 13 council meeting.

The gist

The $184,107 project is projected to start in the middle of June and to be completed by September, Public Works Director Danny Cameron said. The project will entail upgrading the aesthetics and functionality of the esplanades at both entrances to the city along Buffalo Speedway. The improvements include revitalizing the esplanades with the installation of landscaping, pavers and customized planters with the West U logo.

At the January city council meeting, council members were shown a variety of plant color options for the esplanade redesign. (Courtesy West University Place agenda docket)
At the January city council meeting, council members were shown a variety of plant color options for the esplanade redesign. (Courtesy West University Place agenda docket)

The timeline

Last November, council members provided feedback to officials from the city’s landscape architecture firm Clark Condon after they presented planter and signage options for the Buffalo Speedway esplanade.

In January, the architecture firm presented visuals of the planter boxes and decided on the color scheme. After a request for proposals, by May city officials chose the contractors from Landscape Art, Inc. for their competitive pricing and commitment to quality, according to agenda documents.

At the May 13 city council meeting, council members awarded the contract to Landscape Art, Inc. to complete the project.