It has been a five-year planning endeavor, but the contractor for a project targeting drainage improvements and a road surface replacement on Buffalo Speedway in West University Place has officially broken ground.

Work began April 29 at the outfall located at Poor Farm Ditch behind St. Vincent’s de Paul Catholic Church, aiming to replace underground drainage pipes that have been in place since the early 1940s with large box culverts, the city of West University Place announced April 29.

The $23 million project was awarded to contractor SER Construction Partners in November with an estimated duration of 2 1/2 years. Both the city of West University Place and the Texas Department of Transportation will jointly oversee the project’s construction.

In 2016, West University Place received grant funding as part of the Federal Highway Administration's Transportation Improvement Program. The grant provides an 80% cost reimbursement for the removal and replacement of the street pavement. With the removal of the road surface, the city then opted to use the opportunity to make upgrades to the underground drainage system.

Additional grant funding for the drainage work is pending approval.