New pedestrian signage was installed across West University Place’s frequently used intersections aimed at enhancing pedestrian visibility and safety.

The overview

Throughout February, West U Public Works crews and contractors installed signage at the following locations:

  • Weslayan Street and University Boulevard
  • Buffalo Speedway and University Boulevard
  • Rice Boulevard and Sunset Boulevard
  • Rice Boulevard and Buffalo Speedway

Taking a step back

West U officials first discussed pedestrian mobility and safety concerns during a November City Council meeting.

Residents expressed safety concerns about driver behavior that included not stopping at crosswalks and vehicles running red lights at the University Boulevard intersections with Buffalo Speedway and Weslayan Street. Residents also requested for other pedestrian-friendly enhancements for those crossing to the city’s recreation center on Bellaire Boulevard or Colonial Park pool on Byron Street, according to agenda documents.

At the Nov. 4 meeting, West U City Council requested staff to evaluate enhancements for pedestrian crossings and intersections along the frequently used corridors that included:

  • Additional signage, lights and pavement markings
  • Adjustments to signal timings
  • Crossing guards

Mayor Pro Tem John Montgomery said at the November City Council meeting how they have to think about ways to create safer mobility quarters in the places where there's a high level of kids crossing.

With a total population of more than 5,000 households living in West U, according to the 2023 U.S. Census’ American Community Survey, more than 25% of the population are pre-teens and children between the ages of 14 years old and younger.

What else?

City Manager Dave Beach said at the Jan.27 City Council meeting that since November, other efforts for mobility enhancements have taken place, including traffic signal timing and paver repairs.

West U officials are also working with a local traffic engineering firm to explore options and solutions for creating a safer environment for both pedestrians and drivers, according to a city announcement.

“When it comes to things with traffic, there is some engineering that has to happen before we can go change things arbitrarily whether we believe it to be a good thing or not, we have to make sure it’s warranted and we’re not creating a hazard,” Beach said.

Going forward

A proposed $59 million in street and sidewalk projects are also being considered as part of West U’s fiscal year 2025-2034 Capital Improvement Plan.

In the CIP presentation documents, from 2025 until 2031, potential project improvements include:

  • Weslayan traffic signal replacement,
  • Roadway improvements and sidewalk improvements
  • Pedestrian enhancements along Buffalo Speedway and University Boulevard.

The source of funding for the street and sidewalk projects include general obligation debt as well as funding from the Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County and grants, according to CIP presentation documents.