Two candidates are running in the Democratic primary in the race for Harris County Precinct 1 constable.

Constables, of which there are eight in Harris County, are elected every four years in the county. Alan Rosen, the incumbent in the race, has served as Precinct 1's constable since first being elected in 2012.

Rosen is running against Gilberto Reyna, a retired former law enforcement officer who spent 35 years with the Harris County Sheriff's Office. Reyna also ran against Rosen in the Democratic primary in 2020, finishing second in that race with 22.3% of the votes.

Candidates were asked to keep responses under 50 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.

Early voting begins Feb. 20. For more information about voting in Harris County, visit, and for more election coverage from Community Impact, go to

*Indicates incumbent

Alan Rosen*

Experience: 32-year police officer, elected constable for 12 of those years

Occupation: Harris County Constable Precinct 1

Candidate Website:

Why are you running for Harris County Constable Precinct 1?

I am running for re-election for constable because I believe I have shown to be a community first focused leader with every decision made to ensure public safety and addressing quality of life for all communities.

What would some of your top priorities be if re-elected?

My top priority is public safety. Ensuring families feel safe! My second priority is creating innovative ways to ensure public safety with the shortage of officers entering our profession. My plan will be to utilize technology to help fight crime, rather than solely rely on human resources.

What would your strategy be for collaborating with other law enforcement agencies?

Public safety should not be a partisan issue. In addition to leadership collaboration, local law enforcement should continue to share information, develop innovative and equitable approaches to servicing all our constituents’ needs on a continued basis. It cannot be one strategy as our communities need change.

What is your stance on the contract deputy program used by many constables in Harris County, including in Precinct 1?

The contract deputy program produces efficient, strategic, economic public safety. My grassroots constables program ensures sensitive policing and vulnerable communities feeling safe and not over policed. It allows [the Houston Police Department] to utilize their resources effectively. The people love constables, whether in Acres Homes, Heights or any neighborhood in Precinct 1.

Gilberto Reyna

Experience: My 35 years include first-line supervisor patrolman, internal affairs investigator supervisor, criminal warrants supervisor, supervisor of police reserve hiring and firing

Occupation: Retired law enforcement

Contact Information: 832-302-8348

Why are you running for Harris County Constable Precinct 1?

I can do better than the current constable. My experience, training and education can bring changes within the department personnel and to the community with transparency. I will immediately stop … accepting wandering officers with a negative background, stop promoting outside officers to ranks, and allow Precinct 1 officers first to …

What would some of your top priorities be if elected?

If elected … hire command staff with professional traits and integrity to do the right thing for the office and the community. And revise the office procedures policy.

What would your strategy be for collaborating with other law enforcement agencies?

My strategy has always been accountability. Precinct 1 is part of the city of Houston, transparency and professionalism. We cannot afford to have a divided law enforcement. Working together with any law enforcement is a must.

What is your stance on the contract deputy program used by many constables in Harris County, including in Precinct 1?

The contract deputy program is another form to add security enforcement within the community and also adds workforce to law enforcement.