Following an announcement March 29 that two of its employees tested positive for COVID-19, the Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County has announced two more of its employees have tested positive for the virus.

The first employee works as an electronic revenue systems specialist with no interaction with the public, METRO said in its news release, who was last on the job March 19. The second employee is a bus operator last on the job March 12, who drove the 7 West Airport route March 9-12 from 5 a.m. to 2:13 p.m.

The two new cases follow two of METRO’s other employees that tested positive for the virus, the first a METROLift dispatcher, and the other another bus operator. The dispatcher was last on the job March 26 and the operator on March 25.

The bus operator drove the 412 Greenlink Circulator route from 6 a.m. until 2:17 p.m. on the following days; March 9-13, March 16-20 and 23. The operator also drove the 247 Fuqua Park & Ride from 6:18 a.m. to 9:17 a.m. on March 24 and 25.