At its Aug. 19 meeting, Bellaire's city council formally called for an election to take place on Nov. 5 to elect a mayor and three council members, which include positions two, four and six.

All of Bellaire's councilmembers and the mayor are elected at large, with the mayor elected to serve a term of two years and each councilmember elected to serve a term of 4 years.

Mayor Andrew Friedberg, Position 2 Councilmember Trisha Pollard and Position 6 Councilmember David Montague will seek reelection this fall, while Position 4 Councilmember Pat McLaughlan has reached his term limit.

Below are the candidates that will be on the ballot this November.


Andrew Friedberg (incumbent)
Robert Riquelmy

Position 2

Trisha Pollard (incumbent)
Catherine Lewis

Position 4

Nathan Wesely
Winfred Frazier
Kevin Newman

Position 6

David Montague (incumbent)
Keith Evans Bowers
Jim Hotze