Here are Bay Area transportation updates to know for September.


Red Bluff Road widening

About 1.5 miles of Red Bluff Road between Hwy. 146 and Kirby Boulevard will be widened from three lanes to five. The existing road will be converted to one-way westbound traffic, and two new one-way eastbound lanes will be constructed. A new bridge over Taylor Lake will also be built south of the existing one to allow for more traffic to create an alternative evacuation route during emergencies. The project began at the end of last year, and COVID-19 has not affected its timeline, officials said.

Timeline: December 2019-June 2021

Construction cost: $15.6 million

Funding source: $12.1 million (Texas Department of Transportation), $3.5 million (Harris County)


North Landing Boulevard extension

After the widening of I-45 through League City ends in the next couple years, the city will begin concentrating on extending Landing Boulevard to the north to give motorists more north-south connections. About 1.7 miles of a four-lane, urban-divided boulevard will be constructed to connect Landing Boulevard to the I-45 frontage road. Two bridges are included in this project, including one which will go over Clear Creek. League City voters approved the project as part of a $72 million bond proposition in May 2019. The project is under design.

Timeline: September 2019-late 2020

Cost: $15 million

Funding sources: Houston-Galveston Area Council’s Transportation Improvement Program, Brazoria County