League City will have a special election May 3 to fill City Council seat 5, formerly held by Justin Hicks, who resigned March 1.

As a result, the city opened candidate filings for the position March 12. League City residents interested in running for the position have until March 24 to file.

What you need to know

League City City Council voted unanimously March 11 to call a special election for at-large Position 5 in the upcoming May 3 general election.

Those interested in filing must download and fill out the candidate packet and return it to the city’s secretary’s office, 300 W. Walker St., League City.

To access the packet, click here.

The position’s term expires in November 2028, according to agenda documents. City Council members serve four years after they are elected.

How we got here

Community Impact previously reported Hicks resigned his office March 1 following a dispute made public between him and the city related to what city documents described as a “domestic disturbance” call made to his home in January.

A censure resolution published in a March 5 City Council agenda, which was canceled following Hicks’ resignation, alleged Hicks asked Chief of Police Cliff Woitena not to investigate a domestic disturbance reported at his home in late February, violating city rules that prevent elected officials from interfering with law enforcement.

Additionally, it claims Hicks allegedly requested city staff to bypass rules regarding public information requests, seeking preferential treatment for his personal benefit, according to the censure document.

Hicks was re-elected to his seat in November. A vacancy with more than a year left in the term must be filled by a special election, according to state code.