Two candidates are running for Nassau Bay City Council Position 5 in the upcoming May 6 election.

Jaclyn Michelle Barecky will face Sarah Hollowell Horton. Incumbent Sandra Mossman is not running for re-election.

Candidates were asked to keep responses under 75 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.

Jacklyn Michelle Barecky

More Information: The candidate did not respond to requests for comment.

Sarah Horton

Experience: former prosecutor, licensed attorney, Community Association for Nassau Bay Enhancement board member, Nassau Bay resident of 10 years, mother of three children (10 and under)

Occupation: attorney, stay-at-home parent

Candidate Website:

Contact Information: 713-775-6839

What is the greatest issue facing Nassau Bay, and how would you address it?

The greatest issue facing Nassau Bay is without a doubt the mass exodus of city employees (and volunteers) with longstanding experience with the city. We have lost the city manager, city secretary, finance director, director of communications and tourism, building officials, and many longtime volunteers in less than six months. We need to foster an environment where Nassau Bay becomes an amazing place to work again—because they're working for us! Additionally, volunteers should be taken from a list of applicants who have experience and desire to serve—instead of hand selected by committee chairs—this leads to diversity of ideas ... which can't be a bad thing!

If elected, what would be your priorities?

I would work to foster an environment focused on less who did what and more of what we can accomplish if we work together. City employees and volunteers need to feel our support. Our charter needs to be followed more closely—directives to city employees need to come from the city manager as it states. We need to find a financially reasonable way to live stream our City Council meetings and Coffees with the Mayor. The infrastructure needs work because we are an older city.

What makes you the best candidate for the job?

As an attorney I have the ability to read, understand, and evaluate agenda items efficiently and can appreciate the need to follow our City Charter (and have read it). As a former prosecutor I understand the challenges faced by law enforcement in our communities and the need to adhere to our local ordinances and re-evaluate them on occasion. As a mother I know what families find attractive and important in a community and can help the city continue to attract more young families and children.