Parents and guardians at Clear Creek ISD can now download new communications app following the app’s launch in late August.

What you need to know

The app, titled “connectCCISD,” was designed to keep parents, guardians and staff informed at both the district and campus levels, according to CCISD’s website.

According to the district’s website, the new app allows parents and guardians to have access to the following topics:
  • Up-to-date CCISD news, announcements and emergency notifications
  • Upcoming events
  • App notifications of all district, school and classroom communications
  • Photos and videos posted by the campus
  • Complete forms online and sign permission slips
  • View the school calendar and RSVP for events
  • Sign up for volunteer opportunities and/or bring items
  • Receive attendance notices
What else?

The new app is powered by communication software system ParentSquare, which the district already uses for other school communication, primarily with email, voicemail, text and mobile app notifications.

“connectCCISD” automatically generates an account for each parent, using their preferred email address and phone number.

The app is downloadable for Apple iOS and Android devices, according to the district’s website.

More information can be found on the district’s website.