Candidates were asked to keep responses under 75 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.
Residents interested can vote early from April 24-May 2.
* indicates incumbent

Arturo Sanchez*
strategic partner in education and nonprofits, CCISD board member since May 2017, various boards and committees
director at Johnson Space Center
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What should the district focus on as the Vision 2030 plan develops?
Vision 2030 informs what the Facility Advisory Committee will consider regarding the facilities and spaces needed to support future instructional programs. As the committee convenes in April, I know they will focus on a variety of areas, including aging facilities; campus renovations; expansion; ... [and] optimizing facility spaces for instruction, aging buses and security enhancements.
If elected, what would be your priorities?
I will remain committed to strengthening the board’s decision-making, so all students are prepared to achieve at their highest level. I will continue to focus on CCISD’s fiscal responsibility and transparency. I will build on my six years of board experience to support the district’s long-range planning [and] ensure CCISD provides multiple pathways for students to explore and learn.
What makes you the best candidate for the job?
My 22 years of professional corporate and government experience; service on university and community college boards; and six years on the CCISD board as a trustee, secretary and vice president make me the best candidate. I have spent time on our campuses and facilities attending events, competitions, program showcases, performances and PTA meetings, remaining ... engaged.

Peter Lauzon
Two children who attended CCISD schools, board experience, business background
chemical engineer
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What should the district focus on as the Vision 2030 plan develops?
CCISD is limited to 2.5% budget growth in maintenance and operating due to state mandates. These budget constraints impede adaptation to the changing needs of all our students. Nationally from 2010 to 2022, college/post-high school education enrollment dropped by 16.2%. CCISD must ensure all our students are prepared regardless of the path they choose.
If elected, what would be your priorities?
The security and safety of all our students is nonnegotiable; this must come first. Following is the need to manage a challenging economic environment with inflation, high interest rates and increased building material costs. What makes this difficult is balancing the budget given maintenance and operating increases being capped at 2.5% annually by the state.
What makes you the best candidate for the job?
I’m an independent voice to our community who had two children go through and graduate from the school district, so I am familiar with the full impact a CCISD education has on their preparedness and what improvements could be made. I am familiar with how a board operates. I am also a skilled analyst that can ... propose how best to assemble a budget.