The League City City Council will discuss extending its agreement with Keep Pearland Beautiful, authorizing a water facilities financing agreement and potential litigation during its regular meeting on Jan. 10.

An extension to the city’s agreement with Keep Pearland Beautiful through April 30, 2024, will be on the consent agenda for the meeting.

The original agreement approved on April 12, 2022, has allowed League City residential solid waste customers to drop off qualified household hazardous waste and e-waste to the Stella Roberts Recycling Center, according to agenda documents.

If an extension to the agreement is approved, then the city will consider and take action on another item on the consent agenda that would increase the administrative fee for residential solid waste customers from $0.34 to $0.38 per month due to increased usage of the recycling center, according to the agenda.

Furthermore, the city will also discuss a water facilities financing agreement with the Gulf Coast Water Authority for multiple improvement projects at a maximum amount of $1.6 million as a new business item on the agenda. Proposed improvement projects include calder meter station upgrades, south line interconnections repairs and water line relocations to support the expansions of Hwy. 146 and FM 517.

At the end of the meeting, following a closed executive session, the council will discuss undisclosed potential litigation, according to the agenda.