Sherman Lofts, a four-story apartment complex with a live-work component and coworking space, is headed to Spring Valley Road following City Council approval of a special permit for the project Oct. 18.

The complex will include 299 traditional units as well as three live-work apartments and a 932-square-foot coworking space that will be open to the public. An attached four-story garage will include 462 parking spaces.

The majority of the units will be one bedroom, applicant Tommy Mann of Winstead PC law firm said. However, there will be some two-bedroom units available. The average size will be 700-750 square feet and will cost somewhere around $1,300 per month to lease, he added.

Mann said the developers plan to tear down a two-story, defunct office building on the property, which is located at the southeast corner of Spring Valley and Sherman Street. Amenities will include a pool, outdoor workspace, a fitness yard and more. The building will also have an in-house coffee shop that will be open to the public during business hours and remain open for residents after hours.

Sherman Lofts will be located across the street from Dallas Area Rapid Transit’s Spring Valley light-rail station and next to the Central Trail. Mann said developers plan to construct an outdoor plaza facing Spring Valley that will be open to the public, including users of the Central Trail and riders from the DART station.

A mural will be added to the facade of the garage that faces the Central Trail to enhance the visual appeal of the structure, Mann said.

Bill Belshaw of Wilder Belshaw Architects said his team is 5-6 months away from having a complete set of engineering and architectural drawings to submit for a building permit. Once a permit is approved, construction should take 18-24 months, he said.

Council unanimously approved the request with a condition that staff approve the mural before it is painted.