Richardson ISD is holding virtual summer school in lieu of in-person classes.

Though Gov. Greg Abbott allowed schools to offer traditional summer school starting in June, the district has decided to continue with its plan of offering a virtual alternative to ensure the safety of students and staff, Executive Director of Teaching and Learning Services Denise Beutel said in a May 22 video.

The virtual program is open to those who qualify. Teachers have already reached out to those students, Beutel said.

“These programs are focused on ensuring support for possible learning gaps,” she said in the video.

The district will also offer select credit acceleration and credit recovery classes to high school students, she said.

To encourage continued learning during the summer, the district is also launching online lessons for all grade levels on a variety of topics, Beutel said.

“These activities are completely optional, focused on grade-level essential standards and designed for students to practice and keep skills sharp through online tasks,” Beutel said in the video.

Also on the district’s website is a list of links to curated activities to further advance learning, such as online cooking classes and museum tours, she said.

“All these resources are optional, they are free, online and available to you and your students to explore through the RISD at home learning site through July,” Beutel said in the video.

Find out more information at the district’s at-home learning website.