Upcoming projects
1. Gee Road
Project: Improvements along Gee Road between US 380 and FM 1385 include new paving, drainage work and more.
Update: The project is currently in its design phase, which is expected to finish in spring 2025, according to the town’s capital improvement project dashboard. The intersection at Gee Road and US 380 reopened in November as part of the Texas Department of Transportation’s US 380 project.
- Timeline: TBD
- Cost: $21.9 million
- Funding source: town of Prosper
Project: Constructing a modified three-lane commercial couplet from Preston Road to First Street, a modified collector street from First Street to Broadway Avenue, and a rural neighborhood street from Broadway to Fifth Street. Construction will include paving and drainage work, according to Prosper’s capital improvement projects dashboard.
Update: The project is expected to go out to bid for a contractor in spring 2026 and begin construction that fall, according to the dashboard.
- Timeline: fall 2026-spring 2028
- Cost: $4.79 million
- Funding source: town of Prosper
3. Prosper’s First Street
Project: Adding lanes to First Street between Stuber Elementary and Dallas Parkway as part of a larger project to increase capacity on the roadway.
Update: Town officials closed a portion of Legacy Drive north of First Street on March 21 to expedite construction, which includes finishing the intersection and adding temporary striping ahead of the traffic switch.
- Timeline: summer 2023-spring 2025
- Cost: $30.89 million
- Funding source: town of Prosper
Upcoming projects
4. Celina’s Hillside Drive
Project: The city of Celina is looking to remove and replace aging concrete along Hillside Drive.
Update: Celina City Council members approved a $57,750 design contract for the project during a March 11 meeting.
- Timeline: summer-winter 2025
- Cost: $57,750
- Funding source: city of Celina
5. Arizona Drive
Project: Arizona Drive between Walnut Street and Pecan Street will be reconstructed as a two-lane concrete roadway with 5-foot sidewalks as part of the city’s Downtown Center construction. The roadwork will be done alongside the Downtown Center parking garage.
Update: Celina City Council members approved the cost as part of an amendment to the project's guaranteed maximum price during a March 11 meeting.
- Timeline: spring 2025-fall
- Cost: $947,783
- Funding source: city of Celina
Project: The work on Ownsby Parkway to create a new six-lane road includes drainage, lighting, sidewalks and various landscaping improvements.
Update: The city turned on the road’s new traffic signal for the first time March 17. It is expected to become fully operational March 21.
- Timeline: fall 2023-early 2025
- Cost: $19 million
- Funding source: city of Celina