The setup
TxDOT officials recently completed an annual speed study on Preston Road between US 380 and N. Legacy Drive, according to Prosper documents. As a result of the study, officials recommended lowering the speed limit, which was set at 55 mph, to 50 mph in multiple sections of the road.
In Prosper, the town’s entire stretch of Preston Road—from US 380 to Frontier Parkway—was recommended to implement the lower speed limit. The recommendation for Celina was limited to a section between G.A. Moore Parkway and N. Legacy Road.
Even though TxDOT recommended the change, local communities must formally adopt the speed limit in order for it to become effective, according to Prosper documents.
Prosper Town Council members approved the new speed limit during a Feb. 25 meeting and Celina City Council members are expected to discuss TxDOT’s recommendations during a March 11 meeting.
TxDOT will be in charge of installing the updated speed limit signs.
More details
The speed study sampled the speed of vehicles on the roadway and found the 85th percentile of drivers typically drive at a speed of 50-55 mph. TxDOT’s recommendation to lower to 50 mph is due to the number of driveways on Preston Road, according to Prosper documents.