Work to add capacity to Prosper’s First Street is on schedule, officials said.

Two new lanes at the First Street and Dallas Parkway intersection in Prosper opened to drivers in mid-August, one of many projects widening the road to keep up with the town’s growth.

“With the growth, we can't get [the projects] done soon enough,” Prosper Engineering Director Hulon Webb said.

The big picture

The work to widen First Street was split between multiple projects tackling different segments of the road:
  • Coit Road to Custer Road
  • Coleman Street to Craig Road
  • Teel Parkway to Gee Road
  • Stuber Elementary to Dallas Parkway
  • Dallas Parkway to Coleman Street

Some of the segments have already finished, including from Coit Road to Custer Road and Teel Parkway to Gee Road, according to the town’s capital improvement projects dashboard.

The new lanes that opened in mid-August were part of the Stuber Elementary to Dallas Parkway section, which is slated to finish in mid-2025, Webb said.

“All the projects so far have been moving along great,” Webb said.

Diving deeper

Aside from its main use as a direct line through Prosper, First Street has seen more traffic in recent years because of drivers being diverted away from roadwork on US 380, Webb said. The highway has been under construction as part of the Texas Department of Transportation’s efforts to add freeway infrastructure to keep up with the region’s growth.

“That [road] does help provide some relief in the interim while the Texas Department of Transportation is doing construction on US 380,” Webb said.

Going forward

Residents can find updated information on the First Street projects and other Prosper street construction projects at the town’s projects dashboard.

“We try to keep that [dashboard] pretty well updated to let people know what we're doing in and around town,” Webb said.