Celina City Council members are moving forward with plans to bring city charter changes—which could include updating the city’s term limit policy—to the voters.

What you need to know

Council members directed city staff to move forward with preparing for a May 3, 2025 charter election during a June 25 meeting.

Celina’s charter, which acts as its constitution, was first established in 2007 and allows for amendments to be brought to voters every two years.

Council members have discussed the need for amendments since March and focused on three topics:
  • Term limits
  • Role of City Council in appointing and terminating department heads
  • Clarifying relationship of mayor and City Council
Before amendments are brought to the voters, a council-approved city charter commission will need to go through the charter and identify sections in need of amendments.

The charter review commission will have some council direction and could identify additional changes aside from the council’s three proposed amendments.

Here is what else the city will have to do before election day:
  • August 2024: City officials hold a resident input meeting and establish a charter review commission
  • September 2024: The commission receives direction from council members and begins meeting to discuss the amendments
  • January 2025: The commission presents the draft amendments and proposed changes
  • February 2025: The city attorney confirms the ballot propositions and presents the ballot language to City Council
  • Feb. 28, 2025: Deadline for council members to approve the ballot language
  • March-April 2025: Election preparation begins
  • May 3, 2025: Charter amendments are considered by Celina voters during the general election
Keep in mind

The monthly meetings can mean an intense schedule for some residents, said Anthony Satarino, Celina Economic Development Corporation director.

“We want to make sure we acknowledge that to those [interested] residents ahead of time,” he said.

What comes next?

Council members will establish the charter review commission in August, according to a meeting presentation. Its members will need to meet at least once a month to go through the charter and determine what amendments will be included on the ballot.

Each council member will appoint two residents to serve on the commission. Residents who attend the August input meeting will also have the opportunity to join, according to a meeting presentation.

In addition to the appointments and volunteers, there will be three positions selected through a lottery. To be eligible for the lottery, the person must:
  • Have voted in a Celina local election in the last two years
  • Be a Celina resident
  • Not be married to a resident already serving on another city commission or board