Some Prosper residents are being invited to join input groups to discuss the town’s Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan.

Consultants are on schedule and starting the data-gathering phase for the town’s open space master plan, which has not been updated in nearly a decade, according to a status update presented to Town Council members Feb. 13.

“We've come a long way from when we did this [master-planning process] last time,” council member Craig Andres said.

Some context

A preliminary schedule shown to council members splits master plan consultants' work into two main phases: inventory and needs assessment, and compiling the master plan, according to meeting documents.

The advisory committees are made up of residents representing:
  • The parks and recreation board
  • The community engagement community
  • The Prosper Youth Sports Commission
  • Prosper ISD
  • The Downtown Business Alliance
  • The Mayor’s Youth Advisory Council
  • Homeowners association leadership
Members involved in Prosper’s faith community, cricket community and active adult community as well as residents who have children with special needs are also represented, according to meeting documents.

The group will meet once every few months starting March 5, Parks and Recreation Director Dan Baker said.

“We're targeting people that we know are very active,” Baker said. “These are groups that we know are important stakeholders in the community.”

Another viewpoint

Another source of input for master plan consultants is two focus group meetings, both of which are slated to take place March 27.

The focus group meetings are meant to be shorter and more intense than the advisory groups’ and will include a more geographically diverse representation of Prosper, Baker said.

Invitations to join the two focus groups were sent out the week of Feb. 5 and include:
  • Citizens Academy alumni
  • Chamber of commerce members
  • Community engagement committee members
  • Homeowners association leaders
  • Members of Prosper’s parks, sports and development communities
The two input groups include communities in Prosper that may not have been represented when the town’s last open space master plan came out in 2015, Andres said.

Stay tuned

Prosper officials should see a preliminary draft of the master plan sometime this fall, according to meeting documents. The final master plan could potentially be approved shortly after in December.