Celina ISD’s proposed $2.3 billion bond will include 10 new campuses including the district’s second high school.

CISD’s board unanimously placed the two propositions on the ballot during a Feb. 3 board meeting. The multibillion bond, if approved, would not increase the district’s current tax rate of $1.2358 per $100 valuation, officials said.

“A vote for this bond is a vote for the future of Celina ISD," bond committee member Ben Hangartner said. “Let’s come together and invest in our schools and support our students together. We can honor the legacy of our past and build the future.”

About the program

The bond program—totalling $2.295 billion—includes items for new schools and purchasing land as well as transportation and technology needs in the district.

“The items on this list are growth-driven decisions,” Hangartner said. “[The bond committee was] really trying to determine how we are going to accommodate the growth.”

New facilities and campus expansions include:
  • $631.90 million for High School No. 2
  • $210.54 million for Middle School No. 3
  • $242.9 million for Middle School No. 4
  • $66.78 million for Elementary School No. 7
  • $73.95 million for Elementary School No. 8
  • $81.11 million for Elementary School No. 9
  • $88.3 million for Elementary School No. 10
  • $88.3 million for Elementary School No. 11
  • $95.47 million for Elementary School No. 12
  • $95.47 million for Elementary School No. 13
  • $125.39 million for Celina High School renovations and additions
  • $59.61 million for an early childhood center at Lykins Elementary
  • $39.96 million for an operations center
  • $260 million for land acquisition
Proposed items not related to building new campuses include:
  • $20 million for facility updates
  • $50 million for technology infrastructure and devices
  • $40 million for safety and security
  • $10 million for maintenance equipment
  • $16 million for new buses
The bond projects will be split into two propositions. All items will be included in Proposition A, except an estimated $20 million for technology, which will be Proposition B.

Projects, such as a new administration building and the 14th elementary school, were not included in the bond program as committee members felt those projects could wait for a future bond program, Hangartner said.

Superintendent Tom Maglisceau said the committee was limited and even though an item was not included in this bond package doesn’t mean the item won’t be considered in the future.

“Every single thing the committee looked at was a priority,” Maglisceau said.

Bond installments are expected to start being sold in August 2025, officials said.

The cause

Celina ISD is projected to have over 23,870 students by the 2033-34 school year—triple its current enrollment numbers—according to high scenario estimations.
The district is expecting to operate three to four high schools within the next 20 years, with its second opening in 2029 or 2030.

“Without this bond, we will face severe overcrowding that could compromise the quality of education,” Hangartner said.

Looking back

Bond planning for the district began back in October. The committee developed the recommendation over the course of six meetings from October through January.

Celina ISD created a long-range facility planning committee which presented recommendations in late 2023. The group was made up of CISD parents, teachers, staff, students and community members and was charged to develop recommendations for CISD by exploring what the district is to become in the future.

Initial recommendations included a dedicated early childhood education center, including STEM spaces at each school level and a districtwide natatorium and stadium.

The district’s bond committee began its process Oct. 28. The committee was made up of community members, parents, students, faculty and staff.

CISD held its last bond election in May 2019 with a $600 million program.

Looking ahead

There are several important dates to know when it comes to the bond:
  • Deadline to place items on the ballot—Feb. 14
  • Last day to register to vote—April 3
  • First day of early voting—April 22
  • Last day of early voting—April 29
  • Election day—May 3