Prosper officials have turned their efforts to re-energizing the town’s historic downtown through events and business development.

In an effort to draw residents to the area, town officials created a Downtown Master Plan in 2022, which is now being implemented through a community-based advisory committee, Prosper Mayor David Bristol said. The master plan vision outlines revitalizing the area through fostering business growth while also investing public funds for redevelopment and community events. In recent months, new businesses have opened, and foot traffic has increased, according to town data.

"We want to drive foot traffic,” he said. “We want to do things to make it a destination.”

The overview

The town created a Downtown Advisory Committee last September to implement the master plan. It consists of eight residents and three council liaisons.

The initial task for the group was to recommend how to use an initial $1 million of town and Prosper Economic Development Corporation funds in improvements to downtown, said Robyn Battle, communications and community engagement executive director. The committee is considering options for seating areas and decorative elements.

“It is very exciting to see downtown Prosper develop into a vibrant destination,” Battle said in an email.

Several businesses have opened downtown. Some of the new businesses to come include Black Hawk Brewery and The Tavern on Broadway. Livano is also expected to bring nearly 300 apartment units to the area later this summer.

What they're saying

“Having a business in downtown Prosper offers increased visibility, a strong sense of community, access to amenities, historic charm and potential for growth," said Iris Meneley, Texas Amps & Axes owner.

“We wanted to be near family-owned and -operated businesses. It feels like a community," Prosper Wine House owner Trina Lopez said.

A closer look

Downtown was once a vibrant place of commerce, but as the town grew, it lost its attraction, said Mary Ann Moon, Prosper Economic Development Corporation executive director.

The first step in revitalizing downtown was bringing town hall to First Street, which brought people to the area, Moon said.

One other way officials have attracted visitors to downtown has been through new events that started last year, including Paws on Broadway, Coffee and Chrome, and more.

Looking ahead

The foot traffic and growth of downtown will bring in revenue to local businesses and make it a destination for visitors, which will boost the city’s tourism, Moon said.

“We’re moving slowly. We’re moving with consideration,” she said. “We’re moving to make certain that what we do is sustainable and has a long-term positive impact on the community.”

Town officials have put an emphasis on events as a way to promote downtown, create a small-town feel and bring people together, Parks Administration Director Dan Baker said in an email. Staff hope to see an increase in community participation during this year’s events.

“We made downtown a focal point for people to come down to,” Bristol said. “[Events are] just going to enhance that entire area.”

Upcoming events
  • May 4: Movie Night
  • May 27: Memorial Day
  • June 1: Chrome and Coffee
  • Dec. 7: Prosper Christmas Festival