1. Preston Road improvements
The projects to add double left-turn lanes on the northbound and southbound sides of Preston Road at (A) Hedgcoxe Road, Headquarters Drive, Tennyson Parkway, Spring Creek Parkway, and (B) Parker Road, are open to the public. The contractor is working on sidewalks and other miscellaneous items to complete the job.
Timeline: September 2013-July 2016 Cost: $4.6 million Funding sources: city of Plano, North Central Texas Council of Governments
2. Independence Parkway repairs
The project to repair the roadway along Independence Parkway is on schedule. Lane closures will continue to take place from (A) Plano Parkway to West 15th Street and from (B) Cross Bend Road to West Spring Creek Parkway. The crews will meet in the middle between 15th Street and West Parker Road, where an ultrathin layer of a new, more flexible type of asphalt will be applied.
Timeline: January 2016-January 2017 Cost: $4.2 million Funding sources: city of Plano, Collin County
3. Dallas North Tollway widening

Lane closures at Park Boulevard at Spring Creek Parkway along the Dallas Parkway will take place as construction crews work to widen the bridge over Park Boulevard along the Dallas North Tollway. The widening is part of the project to widen the Dallas North Tollway from the Sam Rayburn Tollway to the President George Bush Turnpike. Crews are also setting the beams for the new direct connectors on the north side of the DNT/PGBT interchange. Various lanes along Dallas Parkway and U-turn closures will continue throughout the project, which is expected to be complete in 2018. Enforced speed limit through the area is 60 mph.
Timeline: May 2015-early 2018 Cost: $281.5 million Funding sources: North Texas Tollway Authority
4. Dallas Parkway improvements
The project to add dedicated northbound and southbound right-turn lanes at (A) Parker Road and (B) Park Boulevard is in its final design phase and is expected to begin construction late this year. Easements are still needed at the northeast and southwest corner of Dallas Parkway and Parker Road. The city of Plano is coordinating with the NTTA on project timing to avoid conflicts during construction.
Timeline: Late 2016-TBD Cost: $1.4 million Funding sources: city of Plano, Collin County