Plano city staff are seeking resident feedback on two alternate concept plans for Haggard Park.

An initial renovation plan was presented in July, and the two alternate concept plans are based on resident feedback to the proposals. The feedback on the new survey that runs through Dec. 1 will be incorporated into the master-planning process that will continue in 2024.

The gist

The first alternative presented to residents includes a plan to largely preserve and enhance the existing park elements within the same plan. Main features of the first concept include:
  • Preserving historic features
  • Reorganizing and upgrading the play area
  • Enhancing existing gateways and identity markers
  • Improving accessibility to the pedestrian edge in the southern areas of the park
The second plan will slightly reorient the park’s existing pathways and break out the central lawn into a separate area within the master plan. The second phase highlights include:
  • A new northern trail loop
  • An upgraded playground
  • Interpretive railway alignment
  • A reoriented central lawn space
What to expect

Within the online survey, residents are able to leave their own comments, indicate their preferred alternative, and select favorable and unfavorable design elements within each alternative.