Plano Neighborhood Services is seeking all available hands for its Annual Homeless Census count on Jan. 26 at the Plano Municipal Center.

The volunteers will be conducting surveys with the homeless from 7 p.m.-midnight on the night of the count, according to a news release from the city.

Per the release, donated items will be given out to those being counted at the following locations:
  • Salvation Army (3528 14th St., Plano)
  • City House (830 Central Parkway E., Ste. 350, Plano)
  • Hope Restored Missions (1947 K Ave., Plano)
Volunteers, residents of Plano and anyone else who would like to contribute can donate shampoo, washcloths, deodorant, razors, toothbrushes and food with an extended shelf-life. Donations can be brought to any of the three listed locations.

The Annual Homeless Census, also known as the Point-in-Time count, is conducted each year on one day in January across the country, according to the release.

The census is a requirement for the city to continue receiving funds from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. At its last meeting, Plano City Council unanimously approved a $1.9 million allocation of funds from HUD to combat homelessness in the city.

The census also provides accurate information on the homeless population that can aid local decision-making.

To volunteer for the count, visit