Early voting will occur April 24-May 2.
Read the Q&A's with each candidate below. Candidates were asked to keep responses under 75 words, answer the question provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.

Michael Cook
Special Education Advisory Board for Plano ISD, Plano ISD Future Funding Commission, Collin County NAACP (Prepared to Lead and Ready to Serve program coordinator), Huffman PTA, Plano West Rotary member, Huffman School Based Improvement Committee, Plano Chamber of Commerce member, father of three Plano ISD students—one second-grader and two first-graders
Local real estate investor
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
[email protected]
Why are you running?
As a parent of three Plano ISD students, I am running to keep the focus in Plano ISD on student achievement. I want to focus on three specific areas of improvement: Improving the academic outcomes of all students; improving the parent-teacher relationship to better serve students, reduc[ing] stress on teachers and reassure[ing] parents that their children continue to receive a high-quality education; [and] providing more mental health resources to aid students, teachers and parents.
What do you hope to accomplish if elected?
Improving overall student academic performance post-pandemic of all students must be our main priority. To do this, I plan to implement the following solutions: create measurable academic achievement goals, align administrative incentives with the academic achievement goals, develop a teacher recruitment and retention plan, provide more opportunities to meet with the board, and allocate additional funding for mental health counselors.
What are the top issues facing PISD in the coming years?
The pandemic hurt our kids. We erased gains across all demographics and saw large drop-offs in student achievement across the board. Teacher retention, increased student discipline and overall school safety create a much more challenging learning environment. When combined with the current budget deficit and overall projected declining enrollment, Plano ISD must refocus on ensuring all students succeed.

Khalid Ishaq
East Plano Islamic Center (board of directors/civic engagement and outreach committee), PISD Diversity Advisory Council (2009-11 and 2022-24), PISD Career and Technical Education Board (2017-20), PISD Special Education Advisory Committee (2019-20), Plano ISD 2022 Bond Task Force (2022), Plano ISD Leadership and Ambassador Program (2021-22 1st Class), 2020 Census Complete Count Committee City of Plano, Schell Elementary science project judge (multiple years), First Lego Robotics League judge at Williams High School
technology company owner
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
972-836-6016. [email protected]
Why are you running?
With 33 years in the tech industry, guiding three children through PISD, having a daughter currently teaching within the district and serving on various advisory boards, I possess a distinctive insight into the district's operations. As the incumbent opts out, and with backing from family and community leaders, I am confident in my ability to serve as a trustee. I am the ideal candidate, given my experience, understanding and commitment to the district.
What do you hope to accomplish if elected?
The district needs to refocus on closing the student achievement gap by supporting teachers and promoting mental health. They should prioritize college, career, military and life readiness, particularly career and technology education, with the help of industry partnerships like Toni&Guy. Teacher retention and support can be improved by allowing feedback for better working conditions and mental well-being. Additionally, expanding communication channels and engaging with diverse communities through faith and cultural organizations can empower parents.
What are the top issues facing PISD in the coming years?
Budget deficit and ballooning recapture payment, widening of student achievement gaps and mental health issues precipitated by the pandemic, and declining enrollment.

Greg Jubenville
Over 30 years of business experience in real estate/construction require me to make decisions based on metrics/merit, develop and analyze budgets, understand and adhere to municipal codes, enter into contracts, project management and delivery. Some aspects of my business can bring immediate benefit to the Plano ISD school board. I have been involved with numerous nonprofits, serving on board positions and volunteer positions requiring understanding of goals/objectives to attain the desired outcome.
real estate/construction
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
972-467-9412. [email protected]
Why are you running?
I am seeking office to help improve student outcomes, teacher morale, curriculum guidance, policy improvements for more safe/secure schools, protecting the inalienable right of parents as the primary educators of their children, maintain fiscal responsibility to taxpayers through balanced budget, proper oversight of bond funds and advocate for monetary relief from recapture/Robin Hood.
What do you hope to accomplish if elected?
Students—provide curriculum for Texas essentials knowledge and skills, keep politics out of the classroom, keep students focus on academics and focus on clear positive character traits. Teachers—competitive salary is important. Give teachers authority to discipline in the classroom for an orderly learning environment. Provide curriculum focused on academics/classical education. Keeping politics out of the classroom allows teachers to focus on academics. Parents—improve the parent/student/teacher relationship through transparency of all curriculum/materials, nonpolitical classroom and communication.
What are the top issues facing PISD in the coming years?
[The] $1.45 billion bond package to be administered in the next five years, developing the career and technology education program, recapture/Robin Hood issue, establishing a balanced budget, teacher retention and morale, reversing the downward trend of [Measures of Academic Progress Growth] testing in math and reading across all grades. Support the improvement of the parent/student and teacher relationship through transparency of all materials and classroom environment.