Council approved the proposed project by a 5-3 vote with Council Members Anthony Ricciardelli, Shelby Williams and Rick Smith voting against during the Aug. 28 meeting. The developer intends to construct 501 midrise multifamily units, 33 attached single-family units, open space, office space and a hotel, according to documents submitted to the city.
In a nutshell
The existing lot for the proposed development has been vacant since the Fry’s Electronics closed in 2021.
Based on city documents, no more than 260 multifamily units, the 33 single-family units and a 1.4-acre open space are planned for the first phase. The second phase will include the construction of the remaining multifamily units once a certificate of occupancy is granted for a building housing at least 70,000 square feet of nonresidential use.
However, staff still had concerns about the exterior noise levels on certain parts of the property and the future nonresidential space never developing if office demand fails to return, according to a council memo. Council Member Rick Horne said he would support the developer considering a high-rise building with a mix of uses instead of the proposed midrise office space presented by Bay West Development Partner Bryon Wolf.
“We have time between our Phase 1 and Phase 2 to make adjustments as market conditions change,” Wolf said. “We heard that loud and clear from P&Z and council, and we’ll continue to look; it benefits us to build a high-rise and more density on that site to the extent it’s economically available.”
The context
The planning commission initially recommended the proposed mixed-use development for denial, but the proposal was brought up again during the June 26 council meeting. Council was unable to get six votes to overrule the commission’s recommendation to deny after a May 1 hearing, so it asked the body to study the development further.
The commission voted to recommend approval by a 6-2 vote during its Aug. 7 meeting before council considered the development at its Aug. 28 meeting.
What they’re saying
Williams said he was against the proposal because he did not think it was the right economic redevelopment plan for that lot at this time.
“This intersection right here has the potential—along with the Collin Creek [Mall] redevelopment—with the right project to really transform the east side in a meaningful way,” Williams said. “These intersections may lay fallow for a little while waiting for the right opportunity, but the right opportunity can really transform an area.”
Mayor John Muns favored the proposed development, citing its ability to provide more housing to Plano’s workforce.
“We work every day to make sure that we have the workforce that’s available throughout all of Plano,” Muns said. “One of the biggest things that we have is a shortage of housing for that workforce. It’s really important for us to continue to provide that and keep that viability going.”