Plano ISD has a “Superior Achievement” rating in financial integrity and “meets requirements” for special education needs, according to the district’s 2023-2024 Texas Academic Performance Report, or TAPR.

The PISD Board of Trustees reviewed the Texas Academic Performance Report during the Feb. 4 meeting. The Texas education code requires the district to publish the TAPR annually.

The details

Antoine Spencer, director of research and accountability for PISD, presented the results, which covers the district’s STAAR scores, annual growth and more. Across all STAAR test subjects—reading, math, science and social studies—82% of PISD students were at approaches and above, while the state average was 75%.

Additionally, 33% of those who did score approaches grade level, which is considered passing, in both reading and math in the 2022-2023 school year’s STAAR test did so in the 2023-2024 school year. The state average for the same category was 32%.

In both reading and math, 71% of students maintained or scored higher than the previous year while the state average was 64%.

Also of note

The district’s college, career and military ready, or CCMR, rates at 75%, just under the state average of 76%. The TAPR also covered 2023 PISD graduates' higher education enrollment with 574 students registering for classes at Collin College. There were 243 students who enrolled at University of Texas at Dallas, 162 enrolled at Texas A&M, 135 enrolled at University of Texas at Austin and 100 students enrolled at University of North Texas.

The full report can be found at the PISD website or Texas Education Agency website.