At the urging of the North Texas Municipal Water District, Frisco will limit outdoor watering using automatic sprinkler systems to once every two weeks on residents' designated trash days beginning June 29.

The Frisco City Council voted unanimously to modify the city's Stage 3 drought contingency requirements at a special meeting June 7.

"[The City Council] carefully and thoughtfully considered the long-term needs of Frisco and the region in instituting these modifications," Frisco Mayor Maher Maso said. "Water conservation is a regional, state and national issue. Our area lakes are experiencing historic lows. There's no question, Frisco has been on the leading edge of implementing successful water conservation programs. But we need to do even more during the upcoming, critical summer months in order for all of us in the district to avoid Stage 4."

"[NTMWD member cities] are at a critical stage due to the extremely low level of Lake Lavon going into the summer," said George Purefoy, Frisco city manager. "Therefore, it's in Frisco's best interest to enter into a program that provides the maximum effect to keep our residents, and those of other cities, committed to conservation."

On May 22, the NTMWD board members voted to extend Stage 3 watering restrictions to once every two weeks through October 31. Lavon Lake is more than 11.5 feet below normal; Lavon is more than five feet lower than it was in June 2013.

Under the modified Stage 3 restrictions, the Frisco is allowing residents to water turf grass and landscaping by hand up to two hours per day except between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. "Smart" irrigation systems using evapotranspiration controllers must also comply with once every two week restrictions.

Frisco's existing administrative fee schedule for watering violations will remain the same. A first-time Stage 3 violation results in immediate disconnection of the sprinkler system and a red sign being placed in the yard, noting the violation. A $25 administrative fee will be applied to the first-time violator's next water bill. The fee may be waived if residents complete a free irrigation check-up. Additional violations result in higher fees: $50 for a second violation and $75 for a third violation, including a citation. Violators will need to call Frisco Public Works at 972-292-5800 to have their outdoor watering system reactivated.

"As we move forward with the district's recommendation to modify our plan, one message hasn't changed and that is, 'turn off your automatic sprinkler systems'," said Gary Hartwell, Director of Public Works. "During this continuing drought, we're asking residents to please use hand-held hoses, drip systems and bubblers to water your lawns, landscaping and trees. We also encourage folks to use soaker hoses to protect their foundations."

Recreational water toys, such as 'slip and slides' are allowed under the city's modified Stage 3 restrictions. However, Hartwell reminds residents to be mindful water that runoff from any property is considered a violation.