Heritage Lakes


Build-out year: 2005

Average square footage: 3,133

Home values per square foot: $99.59

HOA dues (estimated): $387/quarter

Amenities: Gated, pool, lazy river, pitch and putt golf, clubhouse, park, playground

Nearby attractions: Stonebriar Centre, Toyota Stadium, Dr Pepper Star Center, Fieldhouse USA

Property taxes:

  • Denton$0.28491 Frisco$0.46191 Lewisville ISD$1.477 Total (per $100 value)$2.2238

Homes on the market (As of Nov. 26)

No. of homes for sale: 5

No. of homes under contract: 6

Average days on the market: 27

No. of homes sold: 55

Square footage (low/high): 2,151 / 4,449

Selling price (low/high): $200,000 / $374,000

Featured homes

3336 Columbus Drive

4 Bedroom / 3.1 Bath 3,406 sq. ft. $349,000

Agent: Sharon Sykes DFW Realties

4318 Armistice Drive

4 Bedroom / 2.1 Bath 3,191 sq. ft. $329,990

Agent: Ali Saatsaz Keller Williams Realty

3828 Truman Road

4 Bedroom / 3 Bath 3,828 sq. ft. $369,880

Agent: Amy Smolik Power Team Texas Realty

>3630 Vanguard Drive

5 Bedroom / 4.1 Bath 3,815 sq. ft. $349,900

Agent: Jackie Dorbritz Ebby Halliday Realtors