New Colleyville Area Chamber of Commerce President Jenna Waters comes with experience — most recently at Chesapeake Energy and also at two other area chambers.

Waters, who started her new job earlier this month, had been public affairs manager for Chesapeake and executive director for the North Texas Clean Air Coalition.

She also was in the research, marketing and economic development departments of the Fort Worth chamber, and senior director for marketing and research for the Arlington chamber.

She succeeds former President Ret Stansberger.

Chair-Elect and Presidential Selection Committee Chairman Cecilia Monacelli, who led the search for a new president, said Waters' perspective and experience are key.

Waters, originally of St. Charles, Ill., has lived in Fort Worth since 1992. She attended Texas Women's University in Denton, and has an associate of arts degree in business/corporate communications from Tarrant County College.