Recent projects

1. Stacy Road widening

Construction began in late November for planned improvements to Stacy Road between Custer Road and Ridge Road. Improvements will consist of the addition of a travel lane in each direction within the existing roadway median, the installation of a new traffic signal at Stacy and McKinney Ranch Parkway and various intersection improvements. During the month of December, intermittent lane closures may occur from west of McKinney Ranch Parkway to east of Ridge Road. Lane closures along Stacy Road will be limited to 9 a.m.-4 p.m. on weekdays.

Timeline: November 2020-December 2021

Cost: $6.2 million

Funding source: city of McKinney

2. Traffic signal installations

A new traffic signal at A)Stacy Road and Collin McKinney Parkway was placed into operation in October. Construction of a new traffic signal at B) Lake Forest Drive and Collin McKinney was placed into operation in November. Design is underway for a new traffic signal at C) Airport Drive and FM 546/Harry McKillop Blvd., which is expected to be under construction before the end of the year. D) Construction of a new traffic signal at US 380 and Auburn Hills Parkway is expected to begin in early 2021.

Timeline: April 2020-June 2021

Cost: $1.5 million

Funding source: city of McKinney

3. US 380 lighting improvements

New roadway median lighting is being constructed along US 380 from A) Coit Road to Custer Road (Phase 1) and from B) Hardin Boulevard to US 75 (Phase 2). Construction of Phase 1 has been underway since November 2019 and was completed in November 2020. Construction of Phase 2 has been underway since September 2020 and is expected to be completed in January 2021. Intermittent or short-term lane closures may be required along US 380 as construction occurs. C) A future Phase 3 will install lighting along US 380 between Custer Road and Hardin Boulevard; construction there is expected to begin in late 2021.

Timeline: November 2019-January 2021 (Phase 1 and 2 only)

Cost: $1 million (Phase 1 and 2 only)

Funding sources: city of McKinney, Texas Department of Transportation

4. Intersection improvements

Construction is expected to begin in December on improvements to four major intersections: A) McKinney Ranch Parkway and Lake Forest Drive; B) Eldorado Parkway and Alma Road; C) Hardin Boulevard and White Avenue; and D) Virginia Parkway and Stonebridge Drive. The improvements will consist of the addition of 12 new turn lanes and associated signal improvements to improve intersection traffic operations. Minor impacts to traffic during construction of these improvements are not anticipated to occur until January 2021.

Timeline: December 2020-December 2021

Cost: $1.7 million

Funding source: city of McKinney