Democratic candidate Lander Bethel is running for U.S. Representative, District 4.
He will run against
Catherine Krantz in the March Democratic primary election.
Community Impact Newspaper sent Bethel a series of questions on his candidacy. His written responses, edited for publication style, are below.
Q: Why did you decide to run for this office?
A: I felt a strong sense of not being represented, particularly after conversations with my representative ended along the lines of him saying if I did not vote for him, he does not represent me. That is the opposite of my understanding of representation. It is very important to me to listen and engage with people who do not necessarily agree with me. I will still represent them in Congress. The conversations we have will be a part of my deliberation over a vote or a position. I want to learn about what is important to many different people in the district. I will work to resolve problems for people whether or not I receive their support in the voting booth.
Q: What experience—professionally or politically—do you have that would prepare you for this position?
A: I have served as a pastor for 33 years in Texas, almost 24 years in district 4. A significant part of my professional life and training has been listening to people. I will bring people together from many different walks of life to talk about the challenges they face and about the responsibilities we can take through government to address those challenges.
I have served on the bioethics committee of our local hospital for 20 years, learning about patient struggles, the difficult challenges their families face, the concerns of the medical staff and the desires of the hospital to provide good medical care.
I have been the chair of the Federal Emergency Food and Shelter Program board for 20 years, learning about the needs of the larger community and the organizations that provide assistance to people who find themselves in a crisis.
I served as a volunteer chaplain for 15 years with Home Hospice of Grayson County. I was a board member and president of the board.
I helped steer the Grayson County Democratic Party through some turbulent years and [served as] chair for five years. I have served as a delegate to the Texas State Democratic Convention several times. I am deeply concerned about the direction I see our country going.
Q: If elected, what would be your top priorities?
- providing full funding for public schools and resisting vouchers for a private education at the national level
- lowering the cost of higher education by working to increase funding for Pell Grants and decreasing the interest rates on education loans
- protecting Social Security from any encroachment to pay for tax cuts so that we may provide a secure future for seniors
- expanding healthcare coverage by restoring and repairing the Affordable Care Act, and moving toward the expansion of Medicare for all
Q: What else do you want voters to know about you and your background?
A: My wife and I have raised our three sons here. We believe in the future of Texas and our district, but we must have the supports in place to offer a promising and prosperous future for the working and middle class.
More information about Bethel's campaign can be found at