Two candidates filed to run for Place 3 on the McKinney ISD board of trustees in the May 2025 election.

Voter registration will be open to eligible residents through April 3. Early voting starts April 22 and ends April 29. Election Day is May 3.

Candidates were asked to limit responses to 50 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers have been edited or cut for style and clarity or to adhere to guidelines.

Candidates have been listed in alphabetical order.

Chad Green, incumbent

Experience: Current School Board member, 20 years in research and assessment

Occupation: Data, Testing, Assessment, Technology

Contact Information: 214-208-3752

Why are you running for school board?

We are currently underperforming on the state test and our NWEA growth measurement exam shows that we haven't grown students in the last two years. We need to change this with new leadership at the top.

What are the biggest challenges McKinney ISD is facing?

Failing the KPI's of student growth, $22 million deficit, we are demoting people but not addressing the salaries and poor performance of our executive team.

How do you plan to address these issues?

Continue to call out the facts and ask strong questions that show the public the truth. Continue to present solutions to the board and the superintendent. Find a high performing superintendent.

What would your top priorities be if you are elected?

Replace the Superintendent. Decrease executive pay. Get our security spending in line with districts like Plano. Pay our teachers and keep our programs by consolidating schools.

Corey Homer

Occupation: Commercial Real Estate Sales Agent

Candidate Website:

Why are you running for school board?

Education is a powerful gift we give our children. I want both top-tier teachers and learning in our classrooms. I care about efficient stewardship and safety. My 20 years in public education is not just an indication of experience but an indicator of my passion and heart for young people.

What are the biggest challenges McKinney ISD is facing?

1.) Maintaining a safe, high quality educational system in an environment of insufficient state funding. 2.) Assessing the impact of potential private school state funding legislation on MISD students and staff. 3.) Reevaluate existing school facilities in light of increasing enrollment north of US 380 and decreasing enrollment south of US 380.

How do you plan to address these issues?

1. ) I’m hopeful the Legislature will address the existing teacher/staff salary shortfall. Expect transparent use of any new state funding. 2.) Establish staffing strategies for student enrollment fluctuations. Define policies for private school students requesting midyear MISD reentry. 3.) Balance existing school capacity with growth demands. Openly analyze/develop strategic direction.

What would your top priorities be if you are elected?

Provide an education which encourages intellectual growth and critical thinking – and demonstrate both are happening in our classrooms. Provide a safe learning experience. Demonstrate strong stewardship of taxpayer dollars. Foster open communication between our schools and the community. I will personally hold myself open/available to constituents.