McKinney ISD officials have started a roadmap for the district’s future.

The McKinney ISD 2024 Strategic Plan, which is a three-to-five-year plan designed to help align goals for the district’s future, was approved by the board of trustees Jan. 22. The plan outlines six priorities for the district with strategies and desired results.

“Our MISD strategic plan will serve as a guiding framework to enhance educational outcomes, foster community engagement, and ensure the overall achievement of our district for the next three to five years,” said Melanie Raleeh, assistant superintendent and internal facilitator of the strategic plan process.

The backstory

The strategic plan was created by a total of 195 people, including staff members, students, parents and community members. The Strategic Planning Team, made up of 79 members, collaborated to identify areas for improvement. The 116-person Action Teams then created plans for the six priorities, according to a district news release.

“This has truly been a community-built strategic plan,” MISD Superintendent Shawn Pratt said. “It was a reminder to me what great parents we have that care about McKinney ISD ...[and] the great staff we have.”

The specifics

The plan consists of strategic objectives for safety and security, teaching and learning, McKinney ISD family, culture, communications, finance and facilities. For each objective, the plan includes strategies for 21 action plans.

Some of the goals in the plan include:
  • Meeting the social-emotional needs of students and staff
  • Increasing equitable access to special programs in the district
  • Implementing comprehensive professional development programs
  • Ensuring internal and external communication is professional, transparent and accessible throughout the district
  • Building new facilities to differentiate MISD from other districts to attract growth
The complete list of objectives and strategies can be found here.

Next steps

The timing of each action plan will be determined by Pratt, and he will assign a point person to each strategy, according to the meeting’s presentation. The plan will then become part of the district’s accountability systems.

Throughout the following school years, updates on the plan’s progress will be given to the board of trustees, Pratt said.