La'Shadion Shemwell is running for McKinney City Council District 1.[/caption]
La'Shadion Shemwell is running for the District 1 seat in the upcoming McKinney City Council runoff election. The runoff election will be held June 10.
Shemwell and Dusttin Pearson were the top two vote-getters in the May 6 election and will be competing for the seat in the runoff election. Current District 1 representative Don Day has reached his term limit for the position.
Community Impact Newspaper sent Shemwell a series of questions on his candidacy. His written responses, edited for publication style, are below.
Licensed real estate agent, housing inspector, barber and mentor
Why are you running for McKinney City Council?
Hope and Diversity.
As the resident council president of the McKinney Housing Authority and barber, I hear the concerns of the citizens of McKinney quite often. I am running for city council to give a voice to the voiceless. As an advocate for disabled, elderly, minorities and underprivileged citizens, I would like to bring hope to these citizens, diversity and a different perspective to city council.
What issues do you feel the city will face within the next few years?
Over the next few years, I believe the most important issues that will come before the council are rising residential property taxes, transportation, affordability and diversity.
If elected, how would you address those issues?
The city of McKinney has taken the first step in obtaining public transit access again by forming an Urban Transit District. While the city is not legally required to provide public transportation, I feel that it will play a vital role in attracting new residents and businesses while making sure our current residents are able to adequately meet their needs. As a council member, I will support the efforts to reinstate public transportation.
In order to promote diversity, the city of McKinney should implement inclusive zoning for all new developments. If the developers donate a portion (5-10 percent) of their new developments to affordable housing, it will help alleviate the effects of gentrification and the overpopulating of low-income areas. As McKinney continues to flourish, we must remain cognizant of making sure all current and future residents feel welcome.
What qualifications do you possess that make you a prime candidate for the position?
I've spent my entire adulthood here in Mckinney, over a decade. I have experienced both the east and west side of McKinney. I am able to bring a different perspective to the city council. Being resident Council president of the McKinney Housing Authority has helped nurture my ability to be empathetic to the needs of people. It has also strengthened my ability to address each concern in a timely manner. It would be my pleasure to lead the city council in tackling issues that face the city of McKinney as they arise.