McKinney Knittery began offering yarn and other craft supplies in 2015, and representatives of the store will celebrate the business’s 10 year anniversary in March.

The store offers a variety of yarns and fibers, as well as knitting needles, sewing and knitting notions, and fabric, the business’s website states. The shop recently launched three custom colors of yarn dyed by independent yarn dyers from France, Houston and Washington, and another from Maryland will also be available soon, owner Ginger Hayes said.

The shop offers craft supplies for cross stitching, punch needling and embroidery. McKinney Knittery also hosts a variety of classes and weekly events focused on knitting, crocheting, handwork and more.

The backstory

The shop began as a booth inside Doozie’s Corner in 2015, Hayes said. The shop has occupied various spaces downtown, including a small retail space on Church Street and another location on Louisiana Street.

Hayes said that work began in November 2019 to renovate the shop’s current space, which included consulting the Texas Historical Commission to restore elements of the building. When the shop moved into the renovated building in July 2020, the business’s retail space doubled, which Hayes said allowed the store to begin offering fabric.

Get involved

Events to celebrate the business’s 10th anniversary will be held in late March.

A birthday party will be held 9:30 a.m.-6 p.m. March 28, and will offer cake and punch. An event scheduled for 1-3 p.m. March 29 will include a meet and greet with Summer Lee, an Oklahoma-based sock pattern designer, author and founder of Summer Lee Design Co.