1. 3D Design and Print
Kids can build 3D models online and see them come to life on 3D printers.
Ages 8-14
May 23-27, June 20-24, July 25-29
$225 (half-day)
Code Ninjas
3241 S. Custer Road, McKinney
2. Apex Centre Summer Camps
These 10 week-long summer camps offer a different theme each week, from Under the Sea and Once Upon a Time Movies to Wacky Wardrobes and Teams Challenge.
Ages 5-12
May 30-Aug. 5
$250 (weekly) with early drop care or late pickup available for $20 more
Apex Centre
3003 Alma Road, McKinney
3. Arts & Crafts Camp
Kids will be encouraged to spend their creative energy in the arts through various projects.
Ages 6-12
June 13-17
$80 (half-day)
Old Settler’s Recreation Center
1201 E. Louisiana St., McKinney
4. Adventures in Art Camp
Kids will create eight different projects involving flowers, animals and plants.
Ages 5-13
June 6-9, July 11-14, Aug. 1-4
$65 to register (half-day), $65 (to instructor for supplies)
Old Settler’s Recreation Center
1201 E. Louisiana St., McKinney
5. Baseball Camp
This camp will showcase the basics of fielding, catching, throwing, hitting and base running.
Ages 7-12
July 5-8, Aug. 1-4
$149 (half-day)
Mouzon Ball Fields
1307 Greenville St., McKinney
6. Be A Better Babbysitter with CPR Camp
Any Day CPR Training LLC will teach campers how to take care of an infant, including picking up, diapering, bottle feeding, burping and swaddling. They will also learn about getting their venture started by creating fliers and business cards. Campers will earn a two-year CPR/AED/First Aid certification as well as a babysitter trained certificate. Lunch is provided.
Ages 12-16
10 a.m. -5 p.m. June 14
Comfort Inn & Suites Frisco-Plano
4220 Preston Road, Frisco
7. Become a YouTuber
Kids will learn the skills they need to create a successful YouTube channel.
Ages 8-14
June 13-17, June 27-July 1, July 25-29
$225 (half-day)
Code Ninjas, 3241 S. Custer Road, McKinney
8. Bowmen Sports Basketball Tech
This camp will focus on dribbling, passing, shooting and rebounding for players of all skills and abilities.
Ages 6-12
June 13-16, July 18-21
$90 (resident), $95 (nonresident) (half-day)
Recreation Center at Towne Lake
2001 S. Central Expressway, McKInney
9. Bowmen Sports Dodgeball
This camp focuses on teamwork, fun and exercise through various games of dodgeball.
Ages 6-12
June 20-23
$90 (resident), $95 (nonresident) (half-day)
Recreation Center at Towne Lake
2001 S. Central Expressway, McKinney
10. CPR/AED/First Aid Camp
Any Day CPR Training LLC will teach campers about doing compressions and breaths, using an automated external defibrillator and offering basic first aid such as bandaging a wound or applying a splint. Each participant will create a first aid kit and earn their two-year CPR/AED/First Aid certification. Lunch is provided.
Ages 12-16
10- a.m.-3 p.m. June 21
Comfort Inn & Suites Frisco-Plano
4220 Preston Road, Frisco
11. Crafts and Cooking Youth Camp
Kids will learn the basics of cooking creatively.
Ages 7-12
July 18-21
$75 (resident), $80 (nonresident) (half-day)
Recreation Center at Towne Lake
2001 S. Central Expressway, McKinney
12. Creative Arts Camp
Campers will learn about acting, dance, music and art and put their skills to use during a final day showcase.
Ages 6-12
June 27-July 1
$80 (half-day)
Old Settler’s Recreation Center
1201 E. Louisiana St., McKinney
13. Cruisin the Jungle/Super Hero Academy
During the morning session, kids will go on a jungle safari with different animal models they can build. In the afternoon session, campers can make a team of superheroes with Legos.
Ages 7-12
July 18-22
$175 (half-day), $250 (full-day)
Old Settler’s Recreation Center
1201 E. Louisiana St., McKinney 972-542-5014
14. Dude Camp
Campers will learn to build social skills and leadership through outdoor activities and team exercises.
Ages 6-12
July 25-29
$80 (half-day)
Old Settler’s Recreation Center
1201 E. Louisiana St., McKinney
15. Finance Camp
Campers will be introduced to the stock market and learn about investment in an engaging environment.
Ages 10-13
June 20-24
$175 (half-day)
Old Settler’s Recreation Center
1201 E. Louisiana St., McKinney
16. Flag Football Camp
Campers will learn the basics of passing, catching and defense.
Ages 7-12
June 27-30
$149 (half-day)
Old Settler’s Park
1201 E. Louisiana St., McKinney
17. Games Around the World Camp
Kids will learn how different cultures in different parts of the world play board, athletic and video games.
Ages 7-12
June 20-23
$75 (resident), $80 (nonresident) (half-day)
Recreation Center at Towne Lake
2001 S. Central Expressway, McKinney
18. Game On/Movie Mashup Camp
During the morning, kids will be able to make Lego models of their favorite video games. In the afternoon, they can made movie-themed models.
Ages 7-12
June 20-24
$175 (half-day), $250 (full-day)
Old Settler’s Recreation Center
1201 E. Louisiana St., McKinney
19. Glamp Camp
This will teach campers about social etiquette and building self-confidence through fun activities such as tea parties.
Ages 6-12
July 11-15
$80 (half-day)
Old Settler’s Recreation Center
1201 E. Louisiana St., McKinney
20. Heard Summer Nature Camps
Campers will learn about nature while encountering animal ambassadors and investigating nature-themed topics.
Ages 5-15
June 13-July 28
$170-$295 (weeklong camps), $18-$22 (mini camps)
Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary
1 Nature Place, McKinney
21. iCode McKinney Camps
Learn about game design, robotics, drones, virtual reality, engineering, 3D printing, arts, Minecraft and Roblox in weekly hands-on camps.
Ages 6 and up
May 23-Aug. 5
$249 per week (half-day), $399 per week (full-day)
iCode McKinney
5100 Eldorado Parkway, Ste. 108, McKinney
22. Intro to Roblox Development
Campers will learn the basics of game-building with Roblox.
Ages 5-7, 8-14
May 30-June 3 (ages 8-14 only), June 20-24 (ages 5-7 only), June 27-July 1, July 18-22
$225 (half-day)
Code Ninjas
3241 S. Custer Road, McKinney
23. Jedis vs. Ninjas/Brick Racers Camp
Inspired by Ninjago and Star Wars, this camp will let kids experience realistic models and have light-saber fights and zip line races.
Ages 7-12
May 30-June 3
$175 (half-day), $250 (full-day)
Old Settler’s Recreation Center
1201 E. Louisiana St., McKinney
24. Jump Into Art Camp
Campers will receive hands-on art instruction from a variety of artists and learn the basics of pottery, pop art and other styles.
Ages 6-16
June 6-Aug. 12
$170 (mini camp), $206 (clay camp), $314 (full-day)
Jump Into Art Studios
404 N. Church St., McKinney
25. Learn How to DJ Summer Camp
Kids will learn the basics of being a DJ, including blending and mixing tracks.
Ages 8-14
June 27-30, July 18-21
$125 (half-day)
Old Settler’s Recreation Center
1201 E. Louisiana St., McKinney
26. Math Camp
Campers will grow their math skills using interactive games.
Ages 11-13
June 20-24
$175 (half-day)
Old Settler’s Recreation Center
1201 E. Louisiana St., McKinney
27. Mini Hawk Multi-Sport
This multi-sport camp helps children to further their interests in baseball, basketball and soccer.
Ages 4-6
June 6-9, July 5-8, Aug. 1-4
$149 (half-day)
Old Settler’s Recreation Center Outdoor Futsal Court
1201 E. Louisiana St., McKinney
Mouzon Ball Fields
1307 Greenville St., McKinney
28. Modding with Minecraft
Campers learn how to make unique modifications in Minecraft.
Ages 8-14
May 23-27, July 11-15, Aug. 1-5
$225 (half-day)
Code Ninjas
3241 S. Custer Road, McKinney
29. Science Explorers Camp
Campers will be able to build a hypothesis and test their ideas with fun experiments.
Ages 7-12
June 6-9
$75 (resident), $80 (nonresident) (half-day)
Recreation Center at Towne Lake
2001 S. Central Expressway, McKinney
30. Skyhawks Basketball Camp
This camp is for intermediate basketball players who will grow their skills to become more advanced players.
Ages 7-12
June 6-9, July 25-28
$149 (half-day)
Old Settler’s Recreation Center
1201 E. Louisiana St., McKinney
31. Skyhawks Track & Field
This camp will introduce athletes to different competitive areas within the sport through interactive exercises.
Ages 7-12
June 20-23
$149 (half-day)
Old Settler’s Park
1201 E. Louisiana St., McKinney
32. Soccer Camp
This camp will introduce kids to the fundamentals of soccer.
Ages 7-12
June 6-9, July 11-14
Old Settler’s Recreation Center Outdoor Futsal Court
1201 E. Louisiana St., McKinney
33. Superhero vs. Supervillain Science Summer Camp
Kids will learn to use science and become a superhero.
Ages 5-10
June 27-30, July 18-21
$125 (half-day)
Old Settler’s Recreation Center
1201 E. Louisiana St., McKinney
34. Theater Camp
Professional actors will teach kids the basics of theater acting and help them put on a show at the end of camp.
Ages 7-14
June 13-25, July 11-22
Free (half-day)
Old Settlers Recreation Center (June session)
1201 E. Louisiana St., McKinney
Recreation Center at Towne Lake (July session)
2001 S. Central Expressway, McKinney
35. Triumph Sports Camp at Christ Fellowship
Triumph Sports is a Christ-centered camp that uses sports as a means to help spread the Gospel. This camp in partnership with Christ Fellowship offers daily Bible lessons and memory verses along with basketball, soccer, flag football and more.
Ages 4-10
July 11-14
$100 (before June 1), $110 (after June 1)
Christ Fellowship
2801 Orchid Drive, McKinney
36. Vacation Bible School at Christ Fellowship
This camp is full of crafts, singing, dancing and snacks while kids learn about Jesus.
Ages: Pre-elementary and elementary
July 18-21
Christ Fellowship
2801 Orchid Drive, McKinney
37. Volleyball Camp
Designed for beginning and intermediate players, this camp will focus on all aspects of the game.
Ages 7-12
June 13-16, July 18-21
$149 (half-day)
Old Settlers Recreation Center
1201 E. Louisiana St., McKinney