Customers interested in purchasing items from reopened nonessential businesses are not allowed to be on the premises of the stores. Retail purchases can be made through pickup, mail delivery and doorstep drop-offs only.
Payment for takeout retail services must be administered over phone or online if possible, per the TDSHS, and contact should be reduced as much as possible if remote payment is not available. Employees must wash and sanitize their hands after each individual interaction with customers.

Doorstep and mail deliveries must be paid for over the phone or online, and both employees and third-party carriers are not allowed in customer homes to help minimize contact. Customers are also advised to wash their hands after the transaction, whether in person or via delivery services.
Retail business employees must be trained on environmental cleaning and sanitation processes, and will be screened each shift before entering the business for a new or worsening cough, shortness of breath and a fever, per the TDSHS. Any employee who meets these standards, including those feeling feverish or who have a minimum 100-degree registered temperature, are advised to return home.

All employees must wear face masks and maintain six feet between themselves, fellow employees and customers. For a complete listing of TDSHS guidelines, click here.
With retail to go becoming available April 24, Community Impact Newspaper wants to help spread the word about local businesses offering this option to customers. Are you a business owner offering retail to go? Fill out the information in this form to let us know.