Lewisville City Council unanimously approved an amendment for funding for additional design services related to the Valley Parkway and Civic Circle project.

The project entails reconstruction of Valley Parkway from FM 1171 to College Parkway and Civic Circle from FM 1171 to Valley in addition to a new public safety complex.

The project’s scope has changed since it was approved in June 2020 and needs to be expanded to accommodate the proposed facility, according to the Aug. 1 agenda item.

Council also decided to add complete streets elements to both roadways after the design was already underway. The approved amendment in the amount of $156,575 will add additional design services for complete streets elements and additional design modifications and additions for the public safety complex.

The approved additions for the complex will include several turn lanes, median modifications, driveway modifications, traffic signal modifications and a new pre-emption signal for Central Fire Station.

Added complete street elements include adjusting the median width on Valley, additional landscaping and pedestrian scale lighting.

The total cost for the project design plus the additional services covered in the amendment is $696,085.

The increase in construction costs associated with the complete street additions will be approximately $500,000.

Funding for the changes is available in the project’s accounts.