The Highland Village City Council began discussion of the fiscal year 2022-23 budget at its July 26 meeting.

The city’s staff outlined year-end projections and the proposed general fund budget along with supplemental requests. The current fiscal year is expected to come in within budget providing a solid year-end, according to the agenda item.

The total revenue for the fiscal year is expected to be 6.7%. While the average overall annual increase is around 4%, the increase was upped to 5% to account for inflation. Property tax will increase 6% from last year, while sales tax will see an 11.8% increase, and public safety fees will increase 20.8%.

The five-year forecast, however, projects the annual increase will return to typical levels after the upcoming fiscal year.

Supplemental requests were made from multiple city departments, including finance, human resources, marketing, police, fire, and parks and recreation.

The Highland Village Police Department’s requests included funding for animal services, adding flock cameras and pay period adjustments. The city’s fire department requested adding new positions and the reorganization of department structure.

The Highland Village Parks and Recreation Department is looking to hire contractors and add recreational facilities, such as a softball-hitting station and a multiuse field.

Further budget discussions will take place through August and September.