The town of Flower Mound will trim spending from its general fund while raising collections from property taxes as it replenishes some of the savings that were spent in the early months of the pandemic.

Flower Mound Town Council on Sept. 21 approved the budget for the 2020-21 fiscal year, which will cut general-fund spending by 3%. The body also approved a tax rate of $0.4365 per $100 of appraised property value, which would effectively raise property taxes by about 2%, according to the ordinance.

The town would hire no new full-time positions over the coming fiscal year, and there would be no salary increases for current employees.

The budget lays out roughly $69 million in expenditures from the town’s general fund while anticipating nearly $72 million in general-fund revenues.

In the budget calculations, the town staff assumed sales tax revenues would remain flat.

The town’s general fund balance dropped from more than $21 million to less than $18 million over the course of the past year. Under the recently adopted budget, the town staff anticipates the fund balance rising back to over $20 million.