The Sounds of Lewisville concert series will host its Uptown Funk night, during which the band D and Chi will perform songs by Bruno Mars. Lewisville High School Cheer will perform during the intermission. Food vendors available. 7 p.m. Free (admission). Wayne Ferguson Plaza, 150 W. Church St., Lewisville. 972-219-3400.
July 24:
Carter BloodCare will host a blood drive at the Flower Mound Community Activity Center. Register online in advance. Free. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 1200 Gerault Road, Flower Mound.
July 28:
Lewisville Public Library will host a Teen Trivia Night for anyone ages 13-18. Teens will answer brain teasers and general knowledge questions. Masks are encouraged. 6:30-7:30 p.m. Free (registration required). 1197 W. Main St., Lewisville. 972-219-3577.
July 29:
Lewisville Lake Environmental Learning Area will lead a night time hike for anyone age 5 and older. Registration online is required before the hiking date. 8-10 p.m. $15 (registration fee). Meet at LLELA Pavilion, 201 E. Jones St., Lewisville. 972-219-3550.
July 30:
Flower Mound invites families to watch the movie “The Little Mermaid” at the indoor pool at Flower Mound Community Activity Center. Movie may change without notice. Free for members, $4-$8 for non-members. 7-9 p.m. Flower Mound Community Activity Center, 1200 Gerault Road, Flower Mound. 972-874-6300.
July 31:
Highland Village Hidden Pines Chapel will host its summer open house for any wedding parties that need vendors or a venue. The chapel will provide samples of its catering and in-house bar. 6-8 p.m. Free. 2380 Nelson Parkway, Highland Village. 972-317-7464.
Aug. 5:
Keep Lewisville Beautiful (KLB) will offer an online Garden Secrets class. The class will teach residents how to keep their lawns healthy while conserving water and introduce people to different types of adaptive plants. 6-7:30 p.m. Free (registration required). 972-538-5949.
Aug. 7:
The End of Summer Lip-sync Battle hosted by Altitude Pole and Aerial Fitness is open for anyone to register with their preferred song. 7-9:30 p.m. $20 per person. 940-441-5453. 1800 Justin Road, Ste. 1830A, Highland Village.
Aug. 11
Morning Book Buzz, an adult book club, will meet at the Thrive patio to discuss this month’s theme, which is real or fictional crime. Members can choose their own book that matches the theme. 10-11 a.m. Free (space is limited). 1950 S. Valley Parkway, Lewisville. 972-219-3400.
Aug. 14
Pianist, songwriter and vocalist Marcia Ball will hold a concert as part of the Texas Tunes Concert Series at Lewisville Grand Theater. 7 p.m. $35 (tier one), $25 (tier two), $20 (Lewisville residents who buy in person in advance; subject to availability). 100 N. Charles St., Lewisville.