At the Aug. 13 Lewisville ISD regular meeting, trustees approved the charter and members for the Community Budget Advisory Committee and the School Safety Task Force. Lewisville officials said the need for a school safety task force was prompted from the growing concern and heightened awareness of issues related to the safety of children and staff at schools. The task force's primary function will be to inform the administration and make recommendations related to safety and security. The task force will meet four times in September and October and present its recommendations at the Oct. 15 board of trustees meeting. The 64-member task force consists of students, parents, staff, campus and district administrators and public safety officials. For a list of the members, click here.  All of the members with the exception of the students must have passed a background check prior to the task force's first meeting. "If they are going to be discussing school safety, I would like to know that they have passed a background check," trustee Katherine Sells said.

Community Budget Advisory Committee

With the district projected to have a budget shortfall in the coming years, staffers suggested a community budget advisory committee be put in place. The committee will review the LISD budget (revenues, expenditures, program costs) to provide short- and long-term cost-saving and/or revenue-increasing recommendations and present to the trustees and the community at the December budget workshop. The committee consists of 38 community members who are local chief financial officers, bankers, CPAs, financial advisors, board of trustees nominees, legislative staff members, LISD administrators and teachers. A list of members can be found here.