At their Feb. 19 meeting council members approved a consulting agreement with The Cultural Planning Group in the amount of $58,155 to develop a cultural arts master plan. Director of Library Services Sue Ridnour said the purpose of the master plan is to identify cultural assets and gaps, gauge citizen interest, and develop recommendations and funding opportunities. We’ve been talking about somewhere in Lakeside putting a cultural arts building,” Mayor Tom Hayden said. “So perhaps as you go forward, that’s part of this.” Ridnour said hiring a consulting firm to do the plan would help staff save time. She also said the firm would add a higher level of expertise and experience. The first phase of the process will include interviews with key figures, focus groups, surveys, research and identifying comparison cities. The second phase will include outlining program needs, determining the town’s role, finding funding strategies, outlining partnerships and meeting with the community to discuss preliminary strategies. Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Kevin Bryant suggested establishing a Friends of Cultural Arts organization, which could help with fundraising. The master plan is expected to take six months to complete.