The gist
The board of directors approved sending about $488,351 from its Transportation Reinvestment Program during a Sept. 26 meeting. The funds will be used to construct a half-mile trail along Hebron Parkway from South Railroad Street to Trinity Fork Park.
The project is estimated to cost about $2.4 million overall. DCTA’s contribution to the project will be matched by a combination of bond funds and waste mitigation funds from Lewisville.
The project is expected to begin construction in February 2025 with completion estimated in October 2026, according to a DCTA presentation.
A closer look
Planning Manager Karina Maldonado presented the item to the board before a vote was taken during the meeting. The funding request came in a pre-award application ahead of the DCTA’s call for new TRiP projects.
Maldonado said the DCTA does not typically see pre-award requests but the project is expected to begin construction in early 2025 before the board can approve any funding allocations from TRiP.
TRiP funds are used to help fund transit-supportive projects pursued by the DCTA’s member cities: Denton, Highland Village and Lewisville. The program was created in 2020 and is slated to enter its fifth year in 2025.
More than $5 million is available for Lewisville projects in FY 2025. After the board took action, more than $4.5 million will still be available. DCTA officials will issue a call for new TRiP projects in January 2025.