The Vitamin Bridge, a Coppell-based nonprofit, is celebrating its five-year anniversary this year. One of many reasons for celebrating this milestone is the fact that as of this year, the group will have donated 100,000 bottles of prenatal vitamins.

“That’s 100,000 moms and at least [that many] or more babies because you know there’s a few twins in there,” The Vitamin Bridge co-founder Martha Day said.

Martha co-founded The Vitamin Bridge with her husband Tom Day in May 2019 to bridge the gap she noticed while volunteering at Prestonwood Pregnancy Center in Richardson.

The inspiration

While volunteering at the center, Martha heard nurses repeatedly tell moms-to-be they needed to buy prenatal vitamins and start taking them as soon as possible.

“They [the moms] were coming because they didn’t have insurance or a doctor and lacked financial resources,” Martha said. “It seemed to me a tremendous opportunity was being missed.”

Martha said she vividly remembers a mom she met at the center who worked at a concession stand as being a catalyst for this bridge-building endeavor.

“She worked in a concession stand and as she described her diet, it mostly consisted of what was left over at the end of the day in the concession stand and that was primarily hot dogs,” Martha said. “Here she is, six weeks pregnant and eating mostly hot dogs. I could not stand the idea of her leaving without a bottle of prenatal vitamins in her hands.”

The details

The couple started the organization in their Coppell home and the vitamins were stored in their utility room. In 2020, after receiving a donation of 6,000 bottles of prenatal vitamins from CVS, the nonprofit moved to the ReMax building on Denton Tap Road.

Through various means such as in-kind and financial donations, the organization has increased its reach to serving 140 first-touch community providers which are organizations that serve under-resourced women early in pregnancy.

Get involved

There are pin-studded maps, one of Texas the other of Georgia, hanging in the nonprofit’s office. The pins mark first-touch providers where The Vitamin Bridge has donated prenatal vitamins. Martha said there are other organizations who donate prenatal vitamins but those efforts are mainly international. The Vitamin Bridge focuses solely on domestic needs.

The Vitamin Bridge relies on donations and volunteers. Martha said a $5 donation will put a 100-day supply of prenatal vitamins in the hands of an expectant mother. Volunteers are needed to stock vitamin deliveries as well as make deliveries to first-touch community providers.

Quote of note

Throughout this process, Martha has thought, ‘If it’s true for one, it is true for more.’ With that in mind she carries on.

“If you’re struggling to put food on the table, gas in the tank to get to the doctor's appointment, the prenatal vitamins are probably going to stay on the shelf,” she said. “This shows her she matters and her baby matters enough that we want to invest in them. It's very meaningful.”