Lewisville is partnering with Denton County to reconstruct several streets in the McKenzie-Hembry neighborhood.

What you need to know

During a Jan. 6 meeting, City Council members approved an interlocal agreement with Denton County to partly fund Phase 2 of the McKenzie-Hembry neighborhood rehabilitation project. Phase 2, which is estimated to cost $9.2 million, will be funded by a combination of bond money from Denton County and the city.

The agreement identifies funding for design and right-of-way acquisitions related to the project, according to a staff memo. Plans for the second phase include adding sidewalks and paving concrete streets along several roads in the area, including:
  • Lone Oak Street
  • Allen Street
  • Hardy Street
  • Willow Street
  • Birch Street
  • Sycamore Street
  • Ash Street
While the second phase still needs to undergo design, the first phase is expected to break ground in later 2025 after the required right of way is acquired. That phase will focus on McKenzie Street, Hembry Street and Mesquite Street, according to the staff memo.

The details

Phase 2 will be partly funded by the 2024 bond package that was approved by Lewisville voters in May. Proposition D included $198.9 million for street projects across the city including neighborhood reconstructions.

Denton County’s TRIP-22 bond program will cover $5.2 million of the second phase. The rest of the cost will be covered by Lewisville bond money and its water and sewer fund, according to Lewisville’s website.